Lets build a neural network based scalper together - Page 3
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Thread: Lets build a neural network based scalper together

  1. #21
    hi.... i will testing it... i am waiting this one to be develop..

  2. #22
    What form of NN are you using?

  3. #23
    I'm interested to test it ---------------------------------------------

  4. #24

    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Xin chào, tôi đã xem mã nguồn của bạn và có vẻ như bạn không bình thường hóa dữ liệu đầu vào. Có vẻ như bạn đang trực tiếp cho thanh giá đóng vào mạng. Dữ liệu mạng thần kinh phải được chuẩn hóa từ -1 đến 1 hoặc 0 thành 1.
    Agreed. If you are working with data in a range other than [-1;1] or [0;1], then you need to normalize those data. Here is the theory: - You determine the data range. Let say you are working on EURUSD, so your data range will be something like [1.1;1.6] - You convert all data to the range [0;1] (or [-1;1] if needed) - You process the data thru the ANN - You de-scale the resulting outputs using the same original scale. in this case, you convert all data from range [0;1] back to [1.1;1.6]. Here is a function ported in MQL4 from Atmel-C (C-based language used to program Atmel AVR processors) that just do that: Inserted Code double map(double x, double in_min, double in_max, double out_min, double out_max) { return ((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min)(in_max - in_min) out_min); } Example: To convert x from range [0.5;2.5] to range [0;1]: Inserted Code x2 = map(x,0.5,2.5,0,1);

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